We are looking for a Technical Architect – Level 2 for the Department of National Defence with a Security Clearance Level of Secret.
Job Specification:
Minimum of a master’s degree in related field (business, or technical field of study) from a recognized Canadian university, or equivalent. Canada may request a copy of the diploma if it is not included in the bid.
Minimum of ten (10) years of experience in the development and fielding of information systems. This includes the drafting and/or management information system requirements, and experience in the functional analysis of requirements to identify information, procedure, and decision flows.
Minimum of ten (10) years of experience in the identification and documentation of Information Exchange Requirements, Information Service Requirements, and Information Data Requirements. This would include experience working as a Project Manager or Project Director.
Minimum of one (1) year experience working within Federated Mission Networking framework, specifically in either the Operational Capabilities Working Group, the Capability Planning Working Group or the Coalition Interoperability Assurance and Validation Working Group, or their sub- components (breakouts).
Minimum of five (5) years of cumulative experience working with Community of Interest services, which specifically includes applications for: Common Operating Picture; Recognized Ground, Maritime, and Air Picture; Geospatial; Friendly Force Tracking; Overlay Distribution; Fires; and Targeting and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. Experience includes implementation and/or management of software applications which are capable of performing these functions.
Must have at least ten (10) years of experience in delivering presentations, demonstrating the ability to convey complex issues to peers and to senior organizational staff in a clear and concise manner. For the purpose of the bid, complex issues are defined as issues that are beyond the scope of any single organization to understand and respond to; there is often disagreement about the cause of the issue and how to address it.
Must have at least five (5) years of experience in coordinating military system requirements across 2 or more organizations.
If interested, please reach out to Girlie at girlie@mdosconsulting.com